Copyright and other proprietary rights

The content of this website, including trademarks, designs, logos, text, images, audio and video materials, is the property of Koutale, unless otherwise indicated through a reference to its source or agreement with the authors, and is protected under the general terms of law and by national and international legislation for the protection of Intellectual Property. It is not allowed to display, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit or use the contents in any way, for any public or commercial purpose without the prior and express written consent of the Companies.

The contents of the pages of these sites are protected by Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property Rights and the Computer Crime Law.

The personal data provided to us is protected by the legislation in force under the protection of individual data and Privacy Policy published herein. Any information or other content that the user transmits to this site, whether through e-mail, message to discussion group (comments), sending files or otherwise, will be considered as non-confidential and not reserved. By transmitting content to this website, the user automatically grants Koutale all the rights inherent to its free and unequivocal use.

The information on this website has been included in good faith and is for general information only, and its use is at the user's sole risk.

This website and its contents are provided without warranties of any kind, whether implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights and fitness for a particular purpose. Likewise, no warranty is given that access to these websites will be uninterrupted or error-free, free from viruses or other harmful material, or that the information on this website contained in it will be complete, accurate or timely.

Koutale reserves the right to make changes and corrections, suspend or terminate the website when it deems appropriate and without prior notice to any member or entity.

The user agrees not to transmit to this website any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, pornographic or profane content, or any other content that may constitute or encourage conduct that violates any law.

Contents and warranty

Koutale and all its legal officers, directors, employees and agents, as well as any other party involved in the creation, production, maintenance or implementation of this website, shall not be liable to any user of the website, for any possible damage, loss or injury (including any loss of profit and moral, indirect, accidental or consequential loss) arising from the correct or incorrect use of these websites and their contents, access to the user's computer or computer system by third parties, viruses, etc.

This website contains links to third party websites. These links are provided solely for the convenience and accessibility of the user. Koutale does not endorse the content of any of these third-party websites and is not responsible for the content of any such websites. Access to and visit to any of these third-party websites is conducted at your own risk.

It is expressly forbidden to use the website for illegal purposes or any other purposes that may be considered unworthy of Koutale's image. Usurpation, counterfeiting, use of usurped or counterfeit content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are punishable criminally.

General safeguards

Koutale will do everything possible so that the information presented does not contain typographical errors, and will be quickly corrected whenever they occur. The images illustrating each product are merely illustrative and may not correspond exactly to the product described.

Koutale will do everything possible to send all the products ordered, but it is possible that, in certain cases and due to causes difficult to control by Koutale, such as human errors or incidents in computer systems, it will not be possible to make available any of the products ordered by the User.

If any product is not available after placing the order, you will be notified by email or telephone. At that moment you will be presented with the possibility of cancelling the order with the respective refund, if you have already made the respective payment.

All information about price, products, specifications, promotional actions and services may be changed at any time by Koutale.

The Koutale Online Store has adequate levels of security, however Koutale will not be liable for any losses suffered by the User and/or third parties, due to delays, interruptions, errors and suspensions of communications that originate from factors beyond its control, namely, any deficiencies or failures caused by the communications network or communications services provided by third parties, by the computer system, modems, connection software or any computer viruses or resulting from the download through the Service of files infected or containing viruses or other properties that may affect the User's terminal equipment.

If for any reason of error of access to the Koutale website there is no possibility of providing service, Koutale will not be responsible for any damages.

The queries of data and information made within the scope of this Service, are presumed to be made by the User, Koutale declining any responsibility arising from the abusive or fraudulent use of the information obtained.

Koutale shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by abusive use of the service that is not directly attributable to it by way of intent or gross negligence.

Koutale is not responsible for losses or damages resulting from non-compliance or defective performance of the service when this is not directly or indirectly attributable to it by way of intent or gross negligence, and is not responsible in particular for:
1) Errors, omissions or other inaccuracies relating to the information made available through the service;
2) Damages caused by the fault of the User or third parties, including violations of intellectual property, For non-compliance or defective compliance resulting from compliance with judicial decisions or administrative authorities;
3) For non-compliance or defective compliance resulting from the occurrence of situations of force majeure, that is, situations of an extraordinary or unforeseeable nature, external to Koutale and that cannot be controlled by it, such as fires, power cuts, explosions, wars, riots, civil insurrections, government decisions, strikes, earthquakes, floods or other natural cataclysms or other situations not controllable by Koutale that prevent or harm the compliance with the obligations assumed.

Koutale does not guarantee that:
1) The service will be provided uninterruptedly, be secure, error-free or work infinitely;
2) The quality of any product, service, information or any other material purchased or obtained through the service fulfills any expectation of the User in relation to the same; < />3) Any material obtained in any way through the use of the service is used at the user's own risk, and the user is solely responsible for any damage caused to his system and computer equipment or for any loss of data resulting from such operation.
4) No advice or information, Whether oral or written, obtained by the User from or through the Service will create any warranty that is not expressed in these General Conditions.
5) The User accepts that Koutale can in no way be held liable for any damage, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, content, or any other losses (even if it has been previously advised by the User of the possibility of the occurrence of such damages), resulting: (1) from the use or inability to use the Service. (2) the difficulty of obtaining any substitute for goods/services; (3) unauthorized access to or modification of personal databases.