The protection of your data

Koutale is committed to protecting the personal data of Customers/Users, as well as the personal data of the respective holders in all situations in which personal data is processed, in this context, elaborated this Policy, which underlies its commitment to respect the rules of protection of personal data.

Personal data are collected and processed in strict respect and compliance with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation in force at all times, namely Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 ("GDPR").

Koutale respects the best practices in the field of security and protection of personal data, having for this purpose taken the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to comply with the GDPR and ensure that the processing of personal data is lawful, fair, transparent and limited to the authorized purposes.

Koutale is committed to the protection and confidentiality of personal data, having adopted the measures it deems appropriate to ensure the accuracy, integrity and confidentiality of the personal data, as well as all other rights that assist the respective holders.

This Data Protection Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data for which Koutale is responsible for the respective treatment, within the scope of the services made available to its Customers/Users and in all situations in which a processing of personal data by Koutale.

Koutale's websites may include links to access other websites that are unrelated to Koutale. The provision of such links is made in good faith, and Koutale cannot be held responsible for the collection and processing of personal data made through these websites, nor does Koutale assume any responsibility for such websites, namely as to their accuracy, credibility and functionalities made available on them.

The purposes of data collection

In general, the personal data collected are based on and are intended for the management of the commercial relationship, the provision of the contracted services, the adequacy of the services to the needs and interests of the Client/User, namely for the purpose of access to specific functionalities of the services, content suggestions, information and marketing actions.

In addition, personal data may also be processed for the purpose of complying with legal obligations and for the purpose of investigating, detecting and prosecuting serious crimes.

Without prejudice to the additional information provided when collecting the data, Koutale may also, provided that it is legally admissible, use the personal data provided by the holder for other purposes, such as for the purposes of social intervention actions, sending complaints and suggestions, dissemination of institutional information and / or making known campaigns, promotions, advertising and news about Koutale's products and/or services, as well as for conducting market research or evaluation surveys.

Koutale may promote dissemination actions to its Customers/Users of new products or services, namely through telephone, e-mail, SMS, or any other electronic communications service, if the holder of the personal data has given his/her consent.

The rights of the holders of personal data

As holders of personal data, Customers/Users are guaranteed, at any time, the right to rectification, updating, limitation and erasure of their personal data (except for the data that are indispensable for the provision of services by Koutale duly identified as being of mandatory supply or compliance with legal obligations to which the controller is subject), the right to object to the use of the same for commercial purposes by Koutale and to the withdrawal of consent, without compromising the lawfulness of the processing carried out under that consent.

If the holder of personal data does not wish to continue to receive these communications, he or she may at any time withdraw his/her consent to the use of his/her data for marketing purposes.

Without prejudice to being able to submit complaints directly to Koutale, through the contacts made available for this purpose, the Client/User may complain directly to the Control Authority, which is the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), using the contacts made available by this entity for this purpose.

Use of cookies

"Cookies" are small software tags that are stored on the access equipment through the browser, retaining only information related to preferences, which are not used to personally identify users, not including, as such, personal data.

Cookies serve to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of the websites, allowing faster and more efficient navigation, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

The cookies that may be used by Koutale are only necessary to provide a better service to our customers and to facilitate their navigation when they use the website